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【关键词】 个税改革;居民收入;宏观经济Absrtact:Thispaper studies the effects of tax reform on the macroeconomy. In terms ofresident income, on the one hand, the calculation of the new taxable amount,the tax reduction amount per month and the tax reduction ratio through theincome example method shows that there is a significant difference in theimpact of the individual tax reform on the residents of different incomegroups. On the other hand, in other earnings, the tax rate applicable to laborremuneration, author remuneration, and royalties will be significantly reducedfor the group with comprehensive lower income, while the tax rate applicablefor other incomes will be significantly higher for those with higher comprehensiveincomes. In terms of macroeconomics, the tax reductions and exemptionsimplemented by this tax reform will inevitably lead to the expansion ofconsumption, which in turn will drive the growth of domestic GDP. By taking GDP(82.71 trillion) in 2017 for example, this tax reform can pull the GDP of Chinaby growth of 0.87 percentage points.

目前,警方对此案正在进一步侦办。第一财经 邹臻杰 张富贵责任编辑:鲍一凡新华社上海5月6日电 题:创业贷、培训贷、求职贷……禁令之下校园贷“披马甲”依然横行!新华社“新华视点”记者王淑娟、颜之宏早在2017年5月,原银监会等几个部门就下发“关于进一步加强校园贷规范管理工作的通知”明确要求,一律暂停网贷机构开展在校大学生网贷业务。但“新华视点”记者近期调查发现,仍有不少网贷机构无视规定,披上创业贷、毕业贷、培训贷、求职贷等外衣,继续向大学生放贷。


因为抗议声不断,约翰逊当天取消了与贝泰尔一起主持的联合新闻发布会。而作为东道主的贝泰尔似乎是为了让约翰逊难堪,在发布会时不仅保留了约翰逊的演讲台,还一边指着旁边的空位置,一边发表批评约翰逊的演讲。英国脱欧已经变成了一场“噩梦”,贝泰尔指着旁边的空讲台说,“他(约翰逊)手握所有英国公民的未来,这是他的责任。你的人民,我们的人民依靠你。” (详见太绝了!卢森堡首相摆个空讲台羞辱约翰逊。。。。。。)


